Since we had eaten a lots last night, so we decided to go jog. Where should we jog? Torrens River ? Botanic Garden ? Yup , a suggestion came out from Jox Hong , saying that Botanic Garden is beautiful, attractive and exquisite , somemore it is large enough for us to jog.Well . Everyone agreed with his idea.
Step in to Botanic Garden was a bit late , around 9.30am as 3 slothful guys overslept. Wow, it was definately big according to the plan. Ok , then we started jogging. But not more that 30 minutes, everyone slowed down because it only such "big", finish jogging . Then we posed here and there. For what? haha . The scene there became our tempter. Yi Hong took out his advanced , latest canon model camera, snatching photos for us. For me , I must the one of the model in the photos since I like taking photo especially with the magnificent view.
Finally , we were spending the whole morning for taking photos and video( very funny. must watch it ). One question , where were our calories gone ? Haha . They already changed into lipid storing under skin beneath , adipose tissues.Be realistic , if wanna slim down ,it is better eat less- is my oppinion. :)- However , we made a lot of fun there. Nice . Wonderful!
* Te Ying and Zhi Hui always tease me not contribution to this blog. Start from this post , I no longer no contribution for the Hours-minutues-seconds!!